Who is Robot?
What is 'No Date' section?
What is 'Calendar' section?
When I access it from a PC the page is small too, why?

Who is is the 19th of the 20 robots ( ) sent into a mission to Earth. He is the ONLY one robot that reached Earth.

Each robot had a "gift" and they were supposed to help humans advance faster.

The last two robots Robot19 and Robot20 were the only one that succesfully passed thought the space gate opened near our Sun.

Robot20 was specialized in he progressively disasemble itself to repair Robot19. It's sacrifice will not be forgotten.

Robot19 is the librarian. It stores all the informations and blueprints about each member of the mission - it is the the "genome" of the mission.

So theoretically it can reconstruct all of them but for that it needs to gather resources from us. It needs to help us evolve much faster in order to help him faster.

As Robot12 - the linguist - was destroyed it can not communicate directly with us. So it learnt the bytecode language of Linux to comunicate with a team of developers/geeks.

He is now working with a team of coders from Earth to create a simple systems to increase our rate of development. He is now known as "THE" Robot or

What is 'Calendar' section?
By using 'Calendar' section you can navigate to a specific day.

What is 'No Date' section?
That section contains all the Todos that were not (yet) allocated for a day.

When I access it from a PC the page is small too, why?
Because when you will get back to your mobile/pda it should look normal.
